Maple Syrup - The Fun Continues


We got a short break from gathering, but the weather has warmed up for the time being. Yesterday me and my sister came back to check the buckets and see how full they were to see if we had to gather. We ended up gathering the sap, and we had help from some family as well which helped make the task quicker. We ended the day gathering about 550 gallons of sap. Today I went back and checked buckets, and a lot of them were 1/2 to 3/4 full. We gathered the sap later in the afternoon and we ended up with a lot. Mr. Keith helped drive tractor and Paul helped us gather sap. We got over 1,000 gallons of sap today which is about 10 hours worth of boiling, if not more. My dad had started boiling earlier today as well that way we don't get overwhelmed with sap. My mom made homemade meatloaf and cheesy potatoes and brought it back to the woods for us to eat. My parents came home at 11:00 after making 10 1/2 gallons of maple syrup. 


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